I have been a featured guest on multiple podcasts, recorded interviews, and Zoom talks in the last 4-5 years. I have also been a guest lecturer for Trust Me I’m a Physiotherapist, where I did two free online lectures that Trust Me ED now hosts. The list of podcasts and interviews is in chronological order, […]
Continue ReadingThe case against the use of clinical experience (for finding causal relationships)
Now, let me preface the title by saying that clinical experience and personal experiences have great value, and can teach us a lot of things. One great thing we can use our experiences to is to form a new testable hypothesis, that research then has to confirm before we integrate them into clinical practice. But, […]
Continue ReadingExplorations in Cognitive Science with Jamie Hale MS
I have, for a long time now, been reading articles, books, and research papers by Jamie Hale MS. Some of these quotes are from articles or books, but most are from social media posts. For years, Hale has been an avid author, writing numerous articles for The Skeptical Inquirer, Psych Central, and Center for Inquiry. […]
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