Fundamental prerequisites for modern high-quality care

There are two prerequisites that clinicians and therapists need to accept, embrace and implement in clinical practice, and they are like two sides of the same coin.

 Now, there are multiple fundamental problems in the musculoskeletal field. However, the problems presented below are two of the most substantial barriers to the progress and development of […]

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How to dismiss research – In one easy step!

That is research that does not support your preconceived beliefs or your clinical modality-focused identity. The false publication date argument seems to be the preferred tactic! By many physiotherapists and chiropractors! This is an easy way to quickly defend against an attack on your precious preconceived beliefs or clinical identity without any effort! Find the […]

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A pandemic of dysrationalia

There is a pandemic of epic proportions in pain management and physiotherapy, which is a pandemic of dysrationalia. Professor Stanovich coined the term dysrationalia. Keith E. Stanovich is a professor of human development and applied psychology at the University of Toronto.

 The term “dysrationalia” is analogous to “dyslexia”, “meaning the inability to think and behave […]

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What Most Therapists get Wrong About Manual Therapy

Now, I’m not, by default, against the use of manual therapy (MT). However, MT is almost always done with the wrong patient narrative (“fixing” the body), the wrong mindset (operator, not interactor), and for the wrong reason (practitioner-centered and not patient-centered), and typically only supported by an outdated model (biomechanical), dubious clinical anecdotes and traditionalist […]

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The negative effect of misplaced positivity

“Criticising ourselves is the mark of a positive, confident profession” Dr. David Nicholls, PhD So the idea that we should only be positive, and lift each other up, is often used to silence critique. Silencing critique, that is, casting light on a real problem, is a very negative thing. As health professionals, we should welcome […]

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Road and the destination – Making the patient choose the treatment

The main problem I have with (making the clients choose the treatment) is this: What we do with our clients or patient should have plausible scientific reasoning and some supporting evidence. We should stand clear of modalities with no plausible scientific rationale and evidence that speaks against the modality. As stated by Ingram et al.: […]

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Don’t be a therapist sell out – 8 reasons why this is wrong

As Adam Meakins has stated, “Just doing what ever a patient wants is prostituting yourself!”. A typical argument for letting the patient choose the choice of treatment is this: “I agree we should advocate for patient education on EBP but that comes at what cost? We’ll never know. Some patients may not return.”

 Often there […]

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An open letter to my follow physiotherapists and healthcare providers

“Digital misinformation has become so pervasive in online social media that it has been listed by the WEF as one of the main threats to human society” (1). So the World Economic Forum has stated that misinformation that is being shared on social networks like Facebook; is a threat to our society. In the Musculoskeletal […]

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The case against the use of clinical experience (for finding causal relationships)

Now, let me preface the title by saying that clinical experience and personal experiences have great value, and can teach us a lot of things. One great thing we can use our experiences to is to form a new testable hypothesis, that research then has to confirm before we integrate them into clinical practice. But, […]

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