I have, for a long time now, been reading articles, books, and research papers by Jamie Hale MS. Some of these quotes are from articles or books, but most are from social media posts. For years, Hale has been an avid author, writing numerous articles for The Skeptical Inquirer, Psych Central, and Center for Inquiry. […]
Continue ReadingWhat are the signs of an outdated therapist?
How do you know if a therapist does stay current with the research literature? Due to my presence on social media, I get a lot of questions from people in pain, every week. One of the typical questions is this: “How do I know if my therapist is staying up-to-date with the current research? And […]
Continue ReadingThe biggest error in pain management (you might be doing)
A major problem in pain management right now is that there is an epidemic of erroneous reasoning. This is a pandemic of “broscience”, non-scientific thinking and dysrationalia. In debates, when people are faced with an argument and/or evidence that goes against their preconceived beliefs, the common answer is “but I know it works,” or “I […]
Continue ReadingWhy and when is “pain science” and pain research important?
If you are advising or providing care for a person who has pain or is living with chronic pain, you need to have a firm grasp of current pain research, an in-depth understanding of the complexity of pain and your patients’ experience of it, and definitively know the many different factors which modulate pain. Combined, […]
Continue ReadingThinking about your thinking while you’re thinking – To make your thinking better
I have for some years now, been reading articles and viewing lectures by Dr. Steven Novella. Some of these quotes are from articles, lectures and but most of them are from Dr. Novella’s course called “Your Deceptive Mind: A Scientific Guide to Critical Thinking Skills”. In my opinion this course is the best introductory course to critical thinking […]
Continue ReadingThe Elements of Pain Science (and metacognition) with Dr. Jonathan Fass, DPT
I have for several years now, been reading articles and social media posts by Doctor of Physiotherapy Dr. Jonathan Fass. Some of these quotes are from articles and some are from online social media debates. Dr. Jonathan Fass, DPT is one of the lesser known pain experts, but in my opinion he deserves a lot more attention, […]
Continue Reading10 Essential scientific research papers in pain management
I asked on social media for what my colleagues and peers (some of them researchers), deemed to be essential scientific research papers in pain management (for health professionals). A good suggestions was to read a book on the topic of pain first, more specifically to read “Aches and Pains” by Gifford. I would add to […]
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