Below you can find great videos which all contain the latest knowledge about pain from experts in modern pain science. We’ve even selected the best videos – So you don’t need the hassle yourself to find them. Here are totally over 17,5 hours of lectures.
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Professor Peter O’Sullivan: Core Stability (11 min)
Professor Peter O’Sullivan: Cognitive Functional Therapy (14 min)
Professor Lorimer Moseley: Why Things Hurt (TEDxAdelaide) (15 min)
Dr. Kieran O’Sullivan: General health and immune function in chronic pain (15 min)
Professor Lorimer Moseley: Expanding Our Management Approach for Patients in Pain (15 min)
Professor Peter O’Sullivan: Back pain, separating fact from fiction (16 min)
Silje Endresen Reme: Pain, Is it all in your mind? (TEDxNHH) (18 min)
Max Zusman: Pain, Movement and Manual Therapy (19 min)
Dr Tasha Stanton: Osteoarthritis and the brain (25 min)
Professor Peter O’Sullivan: The role of communication in clinical practice (25 min)
Professor Peter O’Sullivan: New directions in managing non-specific CLBP (25 min)
Dr. Neil O´Connell: Effectiveness in chronic pain (37 min)
Dr. Greg Lehman – Re-evaluating the biomechanical approach to pain (37 min)
Dr. Jo Nijs: Treatment of central sensitization pain (38 min)
Professor Lorimer Moseley: Getting a grip on pain and the brain (40 min)
Neil Pearson: Overcome pain part 1 (44 min)
Neil Pearson: Overcome pain part 2 (41 min)
Dr. Kieran O’Sullivan: When is spinal pain less about the spine? (45 min)
Professor Lorimer Moseley: Pain, Do you really get it? (46 min)
Professor Lorimer Moseley Pain, Is it all just in your mind? (48 min)
Professor Lorimer Moseley: Modern Brain and Pain Science (59 min)
David Butler: Treating Pain Using the Brain (75 min)
Professor Lorimer Moseley and others: Enterprising Partnerships Talk (79 min)
Professor Peter O’Sullivan: Making Sense of Low Back Pain (84 min)
Lorimer Moseley and others: Pain Making it personal (87 min)
Focused symposium with Moseley, Butler, Thacker, Louw: Pain Management 2012 (1 hour and 30 min)