Pain lectures with Pain Experts like Moseley, Stanton, Butler, O’Sullivan, Nijs, O´Connell, Zusman, Lehman, Reme, Thacker, Louw, Pearson and Dr. Kieran O’Sullivan


Below you can find great videos which all contain the latest knowledge about pain from experts in modern pain science.  We’ve even selected the best videos – So you don’t need the hassle yourself to find them. Here are totally over 17,5 hours of lectures.

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Professor Peter O’Sullivan: Core Stability (11 min)

Professor Peter O’Sullivan: Cognitive Functional Therapy (14 min)

Professor Lorimer Moseley: Why Things Hurt (TEDxAdelaide) (15 min)

Dr. Kieran O’Sullivan: General health and immune function in chronic pain (15 min)

Professor Lorimer Moseley: Expanding Our Management Approach for Patients in Pain (15 min)

Professor Peter O’Sullivan: Back pain, separating fact from fiction (16 min)

Silje Endresen Reme: Pain, Is it all in your mind? (TEDxNHH) (18 min)

Max Zusman: Pain, Movement and Manual Therapy (19 min)

Dr Tasha Stanton: Osteoarthritis and the brain (25 min)

Professor Peter O’Sullivan: The role of communication in clinical practice (25 min)

Professor Peter O’Sullivan: New directions in managing non-specific CLBP (25 min)

Dr. Neil O´Connell: Effectiveness in chronic pain (37 min)

Dr. Greg Lehman – Re-evaluating the biomechanical approach to pain (37 min)

Dr. Jo Nijs: Treatment of central sensitization pain (38 min)

Professor Lorimer Moseley: Getting a grip on pain and the brain (40 min)

Neil Pearson: Overcome pain part 1 (44 min)

Neil Pearson: Overcome pain part 2 (41 min)

Dr. Kieran O’Sullivan: When is spinal pain less about the spine? (45 min)

Professor Lorimer Moseley: Pain, Do you really get it? (46 min)

Professor Lorimer Moseley Pain, Is it all just in your mind? (48 min)

Professor Lorimer Moseley: Modern Brain and Pain Science (59 min)

David Butler: Treating Pain Using the Brain (75 min)

Professor Lorimer Moseley and others: Enterprising Partnerships Talk (79 min)

Professor Peter O’Sullivan: Making Sense of Low Back Pain (84 min)

Lorimer Moseley and others: Pain Making it personal (87 min)

Focused symposium with Moseley, Butler, Thacker, Louw: Pain Management 2012 (1 hour and 30 min)