There is nothing called a pain “nerve”, pain fibre, or pain signal

There are however noxious stimulus, nociceptors, nociception, and nociceptive neurons. Nociceptors are specialized peripheral sensory neurons that alert us to potentially damaging stimuli by detecting extremes in temperature, pressure or injury-related chemicals. Nociception, however, a potent modulator of pain, but not the only one. It is vital that we as clinicians and professionals do fall […]

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Pain is a biopsychosocial experience

People do not exist in isolation, but rather we are biological, psychological and social creatures living within an environmental context (1). Multiple factors in this context will influence the worsening and maintenance of pain and disability. Please take a moment to ponder about the following statements: “All people experience pains as biopsychosocial experiences, no matter […]

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Pain science is not a modality!

As I have pointed out numerous times, pain science is just science about pain; there is no secret “pain science group”, camp or crowd, it’s just people who take a scientific look at the pain experience. It’s health professionals that use the current scientific knowledge about pain to inform and better their treatment and management of […]

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