The Bastardization of Evidence-Based Practice

Most arguments against Evidence-Based Practice, if not all arguments, stem from misunderstandings and misrepresentations of what Evidence-Based Practice is. It seems popular to bastardize the Evidence-Based Practice (EBP) approach to healthcare while woefully ignoring that EBP is a giant leap forward compared with the alternative, even including the flaws within EBP. “Evidence based medicine is […]

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What Most Therapists get Wrong About Manual Therapy

Now, I’m not, by default, against the use of manual therapy (MT). However, MT is almost always done with the wrong patient narrative (“fixing” the body), the wrong mindset (operator, not interactor), and for the wrong reason (practitioner-centered and not patient-centered), and typically only supported by an outdated model (biomechanical), dubious clinical anecdotes and traditionalist […]

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