I do lectures, short or longer and tailor-made lectures, for institutions, organizations or personnel groups. The lectures and course is for anyone working professionally with people in pain like: Chiropractors, Massage Therapists, Physiotherapists, Naprapaths, Osteopaths, MDs, Nurses, and Occupational Therapists.
I have done lectures for Trust me I’m a Physiotherapist, Denkfysio, PhysioTutors, Incitus, Paincloud, San Diego Pain Summit, Emory & Henry College, European School of Osteopathy, The Association of Danish Physiotherapists, Mater Dei Hospital (University of Malta), University College Absalon, Metropolitan University College, Science 2 practice, ShakeUp, Kinesio Edu, FisioScience, Zefiro Formazione. and many more.
My mission and goal is to make it easy to stay up to date with the current pain research. I believe that all health professionals want to use updated and current research as the basis of their clinical reasoning. They do not wish to pass on myths or debugged knowledge. But I also recognize that it is incredibly difficult and sometimes almost impossible to keep up-to-date with the current research, which is the idea and defining purpose of my work.
I do speaking engagements and lectures internationally in many different places in the world with several different partners. The lectures are based on the participants’ current understanding and try to build a bridge between the participants’ clinical experiences and modern pain research and science.
My courses and lectures are based on scientific peer-review articles as well as reviews from the likes of the European Journal of Pain, PAIN (Journal of the IASP), Journal of the American Physical Therapy Association, British Journal of Sports Medicine (BJSM), Archives of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation, The Clinical Journal of Pain, The New England Journal of Medicine (NEJM), British Medical Journal (BMJ), The American Journal of Sports Medicine, and PLOS Medicine.
If you are a member of an organization, staff group, or institution wishing to have a lecture please feel free to contact me on social media. Currently, I teach the following webinars online: Reimagining pain rehabilitation, Innovative pathways in pain rehabilitation and Modern pain rehabilitation.
Webinar and lecture descriptions:
Reimagining pain rehabilitation (2 hours)
As modern clinicians, we need to make clinical reasoning based upon the current scientific consensus, as well as use the goldmine of knowledge we have from modern pain research. Dogmatic and unprogressive musculoskeletal therapists may find themselves being phased out of their traditional roles if other more updated professionals grasp the current ‘pain research’ paradigm. Our treatments and modalities should be based upon what we currently know, not what we wish to know in 5-10 years or what we knew some 30 years ago.
We need to reimagine the approach to people living with pain. Research can encourage and facilitate clinical change, but research does not help people; the skillful clinical reasoning of an updated clinician does. Only we as clinicians can implement clinical change, and every single person we take under our care deserves this change. Our progress and development lie by large in our ability to update the governing theories, narratives, philosophies, and world-view that there are in pain rehabilitation.
In the lecture, you will learn how to use pain research to your advantage, and to better the treatments that you provide to people under your care. A failure to implement the current ‘pain research’ paradigm, may lead us as clinicians to be left behind.
Innovative pathways in pain rehabilitation (2 hours)
Pain rehabilitation is at a crossroad; we need to undertake major and significant change, we if we are to secure the clinical freedom and range of benefits, we want (as noted by Max Zumman). First and foremost, we need to abandon our outmoded and overly simplified biomedical based reasoning. We need to adapt and modify our governing theories and narratives that serve as guidance for our clinical reasoning. To do this we need to take a self-critical look at the many hidden assumptions that we blindly have adopted. Updating this world-view is a large part of learning the skills of providing modern research-based pain rehabilitation. Paradoxically we are often ourselves a substantial roadblock towards implementing a more current valid model of care. Our resistance in updating our models of care is typically the most substantial barrier to innovation in our field, in a way we are blinded by our own assumptions and historical ways of seeing our field.
In the lecture, you will learn multiple innovative pathways as a stepping stone to modern research-based pain rehabilitation. Get an updated approach to the treatment of people with pain that you can immediately apply in your clinical practice, that reinforces and enhances the approach you already use.
Modern pain rehabilitation (4 hours)
As modern clinicians we should have a comprehensive understanding of how and why people experience pain, this is the first step in being able to help, guide and treat people living with pain. A comprehensive view of what factors modulate pain is necessary. This as a robust starting point, for an updated approach to the treatment of people with pain.
However, a traditional biomedical framework is what most clinicians are familiar with, but like all reasoning, this is vulnerable to error, especially if the clinical reasoning is predominantly done with a pathological, biomechanical, or structural focus. There is an increasing trend for health professionals to increase their scope of practice, this is especially true if the field is highly competitive. Traditionalist clinicians may quickly find themselves being phased out of their normal roles if other professions more quickly grasp the current ‘pain research’ paradigm.
In the lecture, you will learn an updated approach to the treatment of people living with pain. You will also get an in-depth understanding of the many different factors which modulate pain, and we will review a clinical reasoning model as an essential component in your clinical reasoning.